Bactericide and fungicide for water-bearing systems
chlorine-free, highly effective

Bacteria, algae, yeast and fungal spores enter water bearing systems at open points via the air. If they multiply too much, these microorganisms can lead to the development of serious fault in the system. The loss of pressure, the reduction of the cooling performance, blockages, corrosions or unpleasant smells may all occur as a result.

Tecucid safely destroys bacteria, algae, yeast and fungal spores and effectively prevents the further development of the microorganisms.

Tecucid is used in cooling circuits, heating circuits, air washers, wet scrubbers in painting systems, air conditioning systems, wells, fountains, etc.

Your advantage / your benefits

  • Highly effective
  • Chlorine and formaldehyde free
  • Highly concentrated
  • Universally usable
  • Works over long periods
  • Prevents expensive downtimes

How to use:

In determined cases of infestation (e.g. green coating in cooling towers, odours in painting systems) up to 1 l/m³.

Please consult our technical service for information about the selection of additional additive products for water bearing systems.

Available in the following packaging

6105 Canister of 30 liters or 60 liters
Barrel of 200 liters